Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dollywood and Bass Pro Shop

Yee-Haw! Did I get youns attention?

Today was fun....really, really, really fun! We were supposed to go to Dollywood yesterday, but the weather called for rain, so I didn't go and was just planning on postponing it to next week. I woke up this morning and thought, what the heck, let's go! So, we got up early, got there right when it was opening, and it was SO CROWDED! Luckily, no one wants to ride all the rides that Connor is able to ride, so it wasn't too bad for us. He did get to ride the "Blazing Fury" for the first time and loved it. When we got off, he told the ride attendant, "That ride was AWESOME!" He is hilarious!

After a seven hour day at Dollywood, we stopped for dinner, and got reenergized with carbs and sugary beverages. I decided to stop at Bass Pro Shop because everyone says it's cool. Connor is all boy, and really into all that stuff, and I didn't have anywhere else to be, so I thought I'd let him explore. He loved it! We spent almost two hours in there....and guess what, there is a Starbucks right in the middle! What more could I ask for? So, we enjoyed hot chocolate and coffee while walking around looking at boats and "driving" them, his speed boat sounds were hilarious. (Connor and his mommy really want a boat!) We also crawled in tents and had a fake campout, explored all the fishing stuff, got freaked out at all the taxidermy, and the employees picked Connor to help them feed all the fish. It really was a little boy's heaven! He said that he decided it was the coolest store ever, and I loved it because he was just so darn happy in there!

Today was the best day I've had in a very long time. Four is such a great age! I am so glad I'm not teaching summer school and I'm getting to enjoy being a mom this summer. I'm excited to see what we can do tomorrow!

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