Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's done...really done!

We just got back from our brief overnight trip to Nashville where we visited with the Haneys and got the last of the paperwork finished up.

It has been a rollercoaster of emotions the past two days to say the least. When switching to Taiwan, we called many agencies, but they all were very backed up or temporarily not accepting new applications. Greg just googled "Taiwan adoptions" to get some more leads and ended up calling our agency, Shiloh. When talking to the agency, the woman told him that they were only taking applications for special needs. Greg was about to hang up, when she asked him to wait because she wanted to look over an e-mail she had received earlier regarding the Taiwan program. She went on to explain to Greg that it was a complete God thing that he called at that moment, because it appeared that they were going to begin to take applications for healthy children. That was back in November, and we really never had gotten a definite that Taiwan was going to approve our agency for a healthy children's program. We have never really worried about it, we just felt like everything would work out. Yesterday, as we drove to Nashville to finish everything, I felt a little worried, a lot sick to my stomach, and shed a few tears. We called our wonderful program director, and she explained that she had no news, but she planned to call Taiwan that evening. We really prayed hard last night, and today, while we were getting our fingerprints, we found out that our agency is approved to send applications for the healthy children program, and we will be #1 with our agency! I shed a lot of tears of relief! We then headed to the Secretary of State's office to have all of our paperwork state certified, and even managed to squeeze in some time with some of our other friends who also live in Nashville. We are so relieved to have all of this finished! Everything will go in the mail tomorrow. Part of me feels so helpless that there's nothing left to do but wait, everything that I could control is now done. Now all I can do is pray for A LOT of patience as we get into line and begin the wait for a referral. We don't really know a timeline, when exactly we'll be officialy "in line," but we'll keep you posted!

An emotional day...getting all the paperwork finished, finding out there REALLY is a program to be in, and the last day of Connor's threes! This fourth birthday is hitting me VERY hard. I'll post some pics of his big day tomorrow. I'm taking a half-day from work, so I can spend it with him and make sure he has a great day (well, we're on two hour weather delay, so I think I'm going to end up working for like an hour). I can't believe he's four...in an hour!


Sarah said...

Wow... that's a great story about how you came upon the program that you're in. Thanks for sharing! :)

Tiffany said...

Congrats on the end of the paper chase (for now - LOL) What a great feeling. Hopefully the wait will not be long now! you're one step closer
Love following you blog!

Tiffany, Chris and Sophia

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! God is so big. I just keep thinking about your journey so far and how perfect His timing is. I can't help but be thankful for the ability to watch you guys grow and trust through all this. I know what waiting is like and it is hard; but with the assurance of your journey so far to comfort you, i know this is gonna be one big beautiful story! Love you!

Happy Birthday Connor!!

R... said...

Congratulations on finding the right place for you. Doesn't it feel great? I hope your wait is speedy!
