Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Brave Little Boy

This is Greg writing (yes, I'm allowed to write on this too!) and I wanted to tell you how brave our little boy Connor is.

Last night Connor and his mommy were at Old Navy looking at some shirts. If you've been in Old Navy before, you know that their signage is all made of metal and is shaped like squares... that means sharp corners. Poor little Connor leaned over to look at a shirt and his head grazed that sign and it gashed his head open right above his eye. I was in Bristol at the time and got a call from Jessica who was as you would expect, freaking out. I would have been too... she said there was a lot of blood.

After almost 3 hours of waiting in the emergency room, they finally took us back to get Connor his stitches. He was so brave... I can't hardly believe that he didn't even cry when they were putting them in. They told him they were going to put magic string in his head. After they did the first one (I was about to pass out watching that needle go in) Connor sat up and said "Hey... that wasn't that bad!!!". He's such a trooper and so sweet even in the worst situations. Here he is pointing to his new stitches:

We finally got home sometime after midnight and we let Connor sleep with us. This morning I took him to McDonald's for breakfast and then we came to school... he was pretty excited to tell everyone "I got a boo boo on my head at Old Baby and got 3 stitches and a cool hot wheels band-aid!"


Rebecca Lily said...

Wow, what a brave boy!! And brave parents!!! OUCH! That just looks painful. I'm glad he was such a trooper through it all. On a lighter note... I think it's hilarious that he calls it "Old Baby"!! LOL.


Sara said...

You guys are like magnets for this crazy stuff-hockey pucks to the face, cut your face on a sign-my goodness!!! That lat gel they put on wounds in the ER is like magic, some kids, like Connor, don't even cry! I'm glad he did so well!!