Saturday, January 26, 2008

Connor's 4th Birthday!

I'm four! Connor on his fourth birthday on Tuesday!

Mommy let me go to Toys-R-Us and pick out any toy that I wanted. All I wanted was this $10 bouncy ball...she tried to talk me into something else, but I told her that it was all I wanted!

Connor's birthday party at Sprout Studio on Saturday. He's one popular kid! Seventeen kids showed up! We had quite the crowd!

Blow out those candles!

Daddy and Mommy love their birthday boy!

We had a lot of fun with Connor's fourth birthday this year. In all the chaos of adoption stuff this week, we made sure he had the best birthday ever. His big day was on Tuesday and Greg stayed at home with him until I got home. I took a half a day and took him to Toys-R-Us, out to lunch, got our annual birthday pictures, and spent the evening at Chuck E. Cheese. He had a great time and got way too much stuff!

Today was his birthday party at Sprout Studio. It was so much fun. We will definitely be making frequent trips to play there. He had seventeen little guests and they all seemed to have a great time. He told me tonight that he was so sad he had to leave there. He thought it was his most fun party yet. He asked me several times tonight when we could go back.

He got TONS of cool presents. We've never let him have presents at his parties, because he really doesn't need a thing, but we decided to make an exception this year.

It's been a LONG week here in Knoxville, but seeing Connor so happy today made it worth it. We have another long week ahead. Connor and I are headed to visit my grandmother in North Carolina tomorrow, Greg is out of town Monday, and I'll be in Nashville for work Thursday through Saturday or Sunday. I guess I need to go get some rest while I can!


Anonymous said...

After the party on Saturday Atley and Ava came home to take a nap. When Atley woke up from his nap he rolled over and said, "Mom that was good Thomas cake."

It was really funny. Thanks for such a great party!! See you Thursday! Yay for girl trips. We are long overdue!

The Adkins Family said...

I'd be A LOT more excited if I didn't have to work while y'all were hanging out! Boo!

We are still due for a REAL girl's weekend!