Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer Fun!

We've been having lots of fun since the beach! Of course, we are staying so busy, but I love doing so much fun stuff with Connor. Once school starts back, my life is out of control crazy, usually until October.

We've gone to Big Ed's (I hadn't been since highschool), the Secret City Festival in Oak Ridge, picked blackberries, and had a blast on the 4th with family and friends. We've also been going to the library every Tuesday, Dollywood and/or Splash Country every Wednesday, and anything else I can find to keep us busy on the other days. I think we might've had a couple of days at home, but neither of us like that very much.

Enjoy the slideshow.

1 comment:

angela said...

Connor sure isn't camera shy, is he!? :) Such a cutie!