Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jesus the Magician

Well, this morning Connor and I accidentally overslept. I don't remember turning off the alarm, but I guess I did. Usually Connor is up no later than 8 a.m., but he couldn't fall asleep last night until after 11. Must have had something to do with 8 boys downstairs yelling at the television!

Anyways, at 9:30, Connor woke me up saying he wanted waffles before church. I told him that we overslept and we wouldn't be able to make it in time. He was extremely upset and said, "I really wanted to see Mark and hear my Jesus story." I told him that I could tell him a Jesus story, and we'd just have church at home. So, I made waffles, turned on some Bible Songs and decided to read him the story about Jesus feeding the five thousand. We looked at the pictures of the boy with his basket of two fish and five loaves and the crowd of people. Connor definitely agreed that wasn't enough for all of those hungry people. We kept reading and Connor's eyes got really big when he realized that Jesus fed all of those people and had baskets left over! He turned to me and said and I quote, "Mom, I knew Jesus watched over people, but I didn't know he did magic tricks!" We had a good laugh and then I explained to him what a miracle was. We made some fish crafts, talked about Jonah and the Whale, sang some songs, and then ate some lunch. It was kind of fun to have church at home, but I'll be sure to set two clocks next Sunday!


Rebecca Lily said...

Hi Jessica! Sorry I've been so absent lately. :) We did a switcheroo to China and are now bringing home a little boy who is 2 years old! You can find our new blog by clicking on my name above. :) Anyways - this was a cute story! Oh, if I could count the times we haven't made it to church!!! I always feel guilty - but then I remember that it says "where 2 or 3 are gathered" and since we have a big family I think we're good. :)

Hope the process is going well! Any updates on a timeline?

Anonymous said...

What a sweet boy you have! Every time I read about him it gives me a smile and then a sigh that we don't get to see him very much. I am enjoying hearing about your journey. We pray for you and little Claire often. I can't wait to meet her!