Monday, February 4, 2008

Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! HELP!!!!!

Good news first...wait a second...I'm thinking....there has to be something good to say....oh yeah, we got our passports Saturday. They made it in a week! Now we can send our Homestudy to the Taiwan Economic office to be authenticated, and they can send it to Washington D.C. for its final authentication.

Okay, that's about the ONLY good news here in Knoxville. When I returned from Nashville late Saturday night, I came home to find Greg and Connor sick. Mind you, I barely made it home because my stupid car, is once again, torn up! If you EVER think of buying a stupid Saab.....think again! Well, unless you enjoy taking your car to get serviced one a month and you have loads of money to spend fixing it. Ugghhh! So, I was up all night with Greg on Saturday while he was puking his guts out. He said at about 6 a.m. he really wanted to go to the ER, but decided not to because I had just posted on the blog about him being next to go to the ER! He has never missed a Sunday service due to illness in all his years of ministry, and he had to miss on Sunday. He is so sick! Connor ran about a 104 fever all night last night, so I was up and down with him, trying to force Tylenol and juice in him, completely against his will. I couldn't miss more work, so I left the two pitiful boys at home today to take care of themselves. There have been many other little things here and there that are just getting us down. I keep thinking that since we are so close to finishing up our adoption paperwork, maybe Satan is just really attacking us, trying to pull us down.

I had a good trip to Nashville. I always love staying at the Opryland Hotel. It is so beautiful and relaxing! I did A LOT of laughing, which was much needed. I ate at my very favorite restaurant, saw a great movie, and had some much needed girl time. Dolly got the stomach bug that's going around, so she was sick in her hotel room and the doctor wouldn't let her come down to speak. I was so disppointed! I did hear Governor Bredesen speak and I was very impressed. I learned a lot about helping kids in poverty learn, and even saw a real human brain that had been plasticized....gross! And to end my trip, I got to do a little shopping, a great way to end any weekend.

If you think of it, say a little prayer for our family. I know there's nothing huge going on, but sometimes a million little things going wrong can just get you down! I know we have so much to be thankful for, so I'm REALLY trying to remember all of those things today!

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