Monday, July 30, 2007

2008 Elections

I am definitely not one to discuss politics, although I have VERY STRONG OPINIONS! I think your political affiliation is your own business and only leads to nasty discussions, especially among Christians, because it seems to be assumed we're all supposed to be voting for the same candidate. So, I will keep my opinions to myself. My car will not be bearing any bumper stickers next year, although there is one candidate I am completely pulling for, and if another certain candidate wins the election, I will beg Greg to move to Canada!

Last time I really watched the debates was back in 2000, because it was a requirement for my Political Rhetoric class at UT. But, the other night Greg and I watched the Democratic debates, just to see who was out there and what was being said, and for once in my life, I actually enjoyed it! All questions for the candidates were off of You Tube (real people asking real questions). It was extremely cool! Here's the link to CNN's website, if you'd like to take a look. They have divided the debate into four parts.

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