Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tired... so tired.

I've been back at work for a week now. Today my students came back, and it seems like I will have a pretty good class this year. It seems like almost all of my kids have a terrible story this year. As an inner city school teacher for the past seven years, I'm used to it, but this year, they just seem a little more extreme. Only a half day with the kids today, and I'm already exhausted. This first full week back has been so long! Monday seems like a lifetime ago!

I am hoping that this is a good year. There will be so much going on! Greg will be on the road now and then when his new album is finished, I'll be volunteering at a Parenting Center for Junior League on Thursday nights beginning in September, in February, we'll finally get to start paperwork for Claire,and somehow I've gotten myself into teaching a dance class two afternoons a week, which will be a lot of fun, and extra money for the adoption. It is a much better option than my original plan to wait tables two nights a week, so I could make a lot of extra money. We're desperately trying to avoid taking out an adoption loan. This year, if there is extra money to be made, we'll try to find it!

Off to bed.....5 a.m. comes way too soon! I miss summer!

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