Greg did a "Ten Facts About Me That You Don't Know" post a while back, and I thought it was so funny, because it was so true! I thought I'd copy my husband, just because I'm bored and not ready to go to sleep yet. (Summer really messes up my sleep schedule! I would've been in bed two hours ago during the school year!) Okay, so here it goes:
10. A CLEAN HOUSE: I love a clean house, a dirty house puts me in the worst mood ever, I don’t even want to be in it, BUT I hate to clean...unless I am mad! Cleaning when I am mad makes me feel better.
9. COFFEE: I have to have a cup of coffee every morning. If I don’t get at least one cup of coffee in my body by 8:00 a.m., I literally cannot function.
8. CLOTHES: I am addicted to clothes…literally addicted. It’s shameful! There are things in my closet that I’ve worn one time, a few things I’ve never even worn. I avoid wearing the same thing twice, I can’t stand it. It’s so, so, stupid. Some people drink when they have a bad day, I buy a new shirt. It’s a bad, bad, thing! But, I am a bargain shopper...well, that's how I justify it anyways.
7. SHOES: I have 82 pairs of shoes….I know…ridiculous. I know that I have that many pairs because Greg opened my closet one time and was so disgusted that he made me count them. I am pretty sure half of them are flip flops...I love flip flops!
6. FEET: I can’t stand for people to touch my feet…sometimes getting a pedicure even creeps me out a little.
5. MASSAGES: I do not understand massages. I do NOT ever want a stranger touching me with half of my clothes off.
4. BEING BLONDE: People treat me like I am an idiot ALL THE TIME! People always assume I don’t understand what is going on. If you don’t believe me, spend a day with me! One time at a conference, I got done with an activity way before the rest of the group, because quite frankly, it wasn’t that hard…. and a random girl actually leaned across the table and said, “Do you really understand what we are supposed to be doing? You sure finished early.“ I am usually a kind person, but I responded, “Are you asking because you think I’m too stupid to understand, or are you asking because you need my help?” That was probably bad…..but sometimes it’s too much. BUT….sometimes it can be fun, surprising people that I actually have a brain. I graduated from highschool with honors, from college with honors, and from graduate school with a 4.0. Objects in the mirror are not as dumb as they appear.
3. HIGHSCHOOL: I can count the fond memories I have of highschool on one hand. I hated it. Life got really fun for me after I graduated college. My mid-twenties to now have been the best years of my life.
2. HOCKEY PUCK: I once was at a Knoxville Icebears game, sitting in a VIP box on the ice, and within the first two minutes of the game, a puck came over the plexiglass and hit me in the face so hard that it broke my nose (the puck didn't even touch my nose, just the impact made it break). I don't remember much, but I do reacall a lot of blood, a lot of pain, and an ambulance taking me away.
1. TELEPHONE: I might be the only girl in the world that hates to talk on the phone, which totally stinks because I lose touch so easily with my friends. I would much rather meet at Starbucks and talk over a cup of coffee. I have vowed this summer to do better, and get over it, because I have found myself losing touch with friends I love so much. Today, I talked on the phone with three people (not including Greg and my mom). It was a big step!
Basically, I love people. I love social settings. I love to smile. I love to laugh. I give terrible first impressions, because I can be quiet and people take it as me being stuck up, but really I'm just afraid that someone is not going to like me. Once you get to know me, I will talk your ear off. I know there are lots of things that I need to work on...especially the whole clothes and shoes addiction, but I am trying to be a better friend, wife, and mother every day. I am trying to be less selfish and more giving, do less talking and more listening, and just be kinder and more positive.
Okay, so that's way too much personal information for the internet. I better go to bed.