Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Very Long Week!

This was the first official week of my new job. I have worked 12 hours every day getting everything ready for the year to begin. Most of my week has been consumed with taking inventory of and delivering the school's new Social Studies curriculum, textbooks, and other materials. IT TOOK FOREVER! Greg took pity on me on Wednesday and helped me deliver the last of it to the teachers. Thank God for husbands who are willing to give up their day off to help their emotional and exhausted wives!

Today was the first "normal" day. I actually got several things done and feel a lot better about things. I finally got my new office set up. I decorated it in black and pink polka dots, mainly because it makes me think of this blog and Claire!

I miss my friends at Dogwood terribly! I have stopped by a couple of days to visit. I am so thankful that God placed me not too far away! I literally can be at Dogwood in five minutes, and it is on my way home every night.

I am getting to know the staff at my new school and I really like them. Tonight was our "Meet the Teacher" night and I was very impressed with the turnout. I have also been really impressed with the genuineness of the principal and the way he runs the school. I am excited to get the year started, and I'm excited about this new opportunity. I really feel like this new position is a great match for me, and quite honestly do not regret not being in the classroom at all.

I am hoping to work normal days and be a better mom and wife next week! Now, I just need some sleep!

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