Friday, August 22, 2008

Reflecting on Thirty Years!

Today, I turned the big 3-0. It would've been a lot more exciting if I hadn't spent the entire week on my back with one of the worst stomach bugs that I've ever had! Every time I think it's passing, it comes back full force! I think I may have turned the corner tonight, and was able to eat solid food at my birthday dinner with my family. Hopefully I'll be in full swing for the big luau Greg and my parents are throwing for me tomorrow!

I have had lots of conversations this week with friends about turning thirty. Some have asked me if I'm where I thought I'd be, or if I had any regrets, and it got me to thinking. Here are my thoughts:

Children: I always thought that I'd have more than one child by thirty, but we're working on that! I feel so blessed to have my precious Connor (even though he's been a little rascal this week!). Sometimes I'll just be staring at him and he'll say, "Why are you looking at me Mom?" I catch myself just looking at him sometimes, amazed at how handsome, big, and smart he is. Even though sometimes I don't understand why we've been asked to wait so long to add to our family, I know we are being faithful to God's plan, so I know He must just have an amazing little girl waiting for us!

Career: I'm really proud of my career, and feel like I've worked really hard to get to where I am. I feel honored to be in my position at such a young age, and feel so blessed that so many people have put their faith and trust in me. People keep asking me if I want to keep moving up in administration, but I have no idea. I've always seen myself teaching at a college level, never as a head principal, but we'll see what God has planned!

Marriage: I've been married eight and a half years, and these days, that's something I am so proud of. My husband is the most kind and least selfish person that I think I've ever met! There are so many times that I just think to myself, "Why does he put up with me?" Greg is genuine, caring, and has such a gentle spirit. He's an amazing and unbelievable father. He has been able to open up new worlds for me in so many ways. He's changed my thinking, my attitude, and how I see things. He's taken me to so many beautiful places all over the country, and even a few outside of the U.S. I love how much we love traveling, and how we place such an importance on family vacation time. I just love him so much!

Faith: I think it took me thirty years to finally get over myself! I have learned so much this past year about the way I want to live the rest of my life, and what kind of impact I want to have on this world. I think growing up, I probably saw myself at thirty having a safe, comfortable life, and now that's the exact opposite of what I want. I want to make a difference, I want to step outside of myself and do something, not just feel compassion, but actually do something with it. A line from my favorite worship song says for God to "Break my heart from what breaks yours". This has been my prayer for the past year, and I feel so blessed to have become part of a community that seeks this in their lives as well.

So, is my life the way I saw it as a dreamy eyed highschool girl? Absolutely not! But I am so thankful that it's not what I dreamed of. It's so much more and much, much more meaningful. I'm so hopeful as I begin looking forward to the things to come, and to see what I can do with the rest of my life! My prayer is for God to just show me what to do next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope i am so eloquent about my life at thiry years! But i have a year left to think about it! :) No, i am so proud of who you have become just in the past five years! I am privileged to call you my dear friend! Love you and cant wait for the partay!!!