Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Adkins Family Goes Green

Back around Christmas, I really started to thinking about the environment. I am far from the "tree hugger" type and my idea of "roughing it" is staying at a hotel not named the Sheraton or the Hilton. I started thinking about it after watching some environmental documentaries, and basically just really pondering what I was teaching Connor and the legacy I was leaving behind for my children. I also was horrified at the health statistics I had been reading about cancer and respiratory problems caused by enviormental factors. Then, I started learning about everything from a religious perspective. I think Christians sometimes have the mindset, "Jesus is coming back, so who cares if we use up the Earth." I have learned that this attitude is just terribly wrong! God has given us stewardship over his creation, and whether or not you think all of these statistics are a lie (if you think this, please do some research), you still need to take care of what God has given you. I've learned that everyone can do something, even if it is something you think is insignificant. I never in a million years thought Greg would jump on board. I must admit, in the beginning, everytime I recycled something he called me a hippie. I would tell him to turn off a light, and he would say, "one light doesn't matter." Even he is making a change! I'm really proud of him!

The Adkins family is a crazy busy family living on a pretty tight little budget, so I will share with you the changes we've made:

1- First and foremost, we have set up a recycling center in our garage. We have gotten some free recycling bins, but I also went to the dollar store and got some cheap trashcans as well. Connor thinks it's a game to figure out where things belong in the recycling center. He also is constantly asking about trash, "Can I recycle that?" We make trips to the recycling center in Powell when our bins get full and he loves throwing all the stuff in the giant dumpsters. If a four year old can do it......

2- We have cut our energy consumption! We haven't had our thermostat on in weeks because it has been beautiful outside. We only have lights on when absolutely necessary. We have unplugged all of those "phantom power" sources such as toasters, can openers, cell phone chargers, etc. We only have something plugged in when it is in use. We have our entertainment center and computer on a powerstrip, and turn the whole thing off when not in use. We have been trying to wash our clothes in cold water, and hang dry when possible. We are also in the process of changing over all of our bulbs to CFL's. It is an investment, but absolutely saves money over the long run! We're doing a few at a time!

3- Water- I cannot part with my long,hot showers. Call me selfish. That is my time every morning. I'll come around eventually! I'm trying to teach Connor to turn off the water when brushing teeth. I'm also trying to remember that you only need the faucet turned on enough that a pencil size flow comes from the faucet. You don't need the water full force when washing hands or brushing teeth.

4- Food- I'm trying to buy as many organic products as our grocery budget can afford. Yes, they can be pricey, but I am willing to cut other areas of our lives to not put chemicals in my family's bodies. Yesterday, I bought a gallon of organic milk on sale at Ingles for only $4.69. I would highly recommend, if you do nothing else, replace your meat, eggs, milk, and produce with organic products. Also, now that Spring is here, we will begin to buy products that are locally grown.

5- Coffee- I am addicted to coffee....very addicted. I have started to only buy "Fair Trade", "Triple Certified" coffee. Starbucks does not brew this kind of coffee unless you ask. Bad for me, good for Greg's wallet as I try to break my Starbucks addiction.

6- Driving- We have have tried to combine our trips, so we're not driving so much. I'm in West Knoxville every Sunday for church, so I try to save my errands out there for Sundays. Greg and I have done a lot better about riding together to places, and enduring each other's errands while we're out instead of running them seperately. It has definitely taken more patience on his part! We will still work on decreasing our driving, but it's hard to take alternative transportation with kids. You will never see me with my child on one of those seats that attach to the back of your bike. So dangerous!

Our future goals- We hope to begin composting eventually. I will also try to increase my purchasing of organic products as I run out of the ones I have. My next goal is to replace all of our cleaning products and toiletries with safer, more natural products. We are also planning to buy a water filter after payday, so I can cut out the bottled water. More than anything, we will just try to buy less and consume less, simplify our lives a little. That means saving more money, which equals more to give away.

So, that's how our family has gone green! Are you up for the challenge?


Meriam said...

You go girl! We've stopped buying bottled water and last year we bought this amazing cleaning stuff from Shaklee. It's super duper concentrated and you mix what you need with tap water in a spray bottle. It works great, especially on windows. We just got Aiden this really cool bike "trailer" that hooks to the back of Ron's bike. It actually is like a tandem bike where he can pedal and everything. The same company has a bike seat that mounts in front of the adult, instead of behind. I think it looks much safer.

Anonymous said...

green is good. glad you guys are committing to it so fervantly.

Meriam said...

The bike trailer and baby seat is by WeeRide. I know, it looks scary and I didn't want Ron to get it, but Aiden loves it and does much better than I thought he would. Also, Ron did an energy audit with TVA at a few weeks ago. This week we got a box in the mail from them that had two compact fluorescent light bulbs, two faucet aerators, a package of outlet and light switch isulators, and a few other cool things that will help you save on energy and use less. The audit also gave handy ideas (some expensive, some not)on using less energy in your home. It's worth checking out just for the free compact fluorescent light bulbs.

angela said...

I look forward to reading about your composting adventures in the future. Whose job will it be to stir the stuff? James started composting last year and I won't go near that area in our back yard! I'd say I'm pretty "green" (at least I'm pretty aware), and I was glad when James took it upon himself to compost, but beyond putting things in the counter-top compost canister, it kind of creeps me out!