Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My New Best Friend

This is my new best friend.....

Why you ask? Because Connor is the WORST about getting up fifteen times after he's put to bed for EVERY excuse you can think of. I'm thirsty, I need to poop, I need one more hug, I didn't brush my teeth good enough....you get the idea.

Last week, I was at the Dollar Tree and Connor was spending three dollars that he had gotten from his great-grandmother. I found these book lights and thought, hey, this would be great for him to read in bed at night. So, for the past week, he has been allowed to read one book in bed with his book light after we have tucked him in and said prayers, and then he must turn it off on his own and go to sleep. And it WORKS! No more getting up, no more excuses! By the time I get up there to check on him, his book is beside his bed, his book light is turned off and laid on top of it, and he is fast asleep! I think he is like his momma, and just needs to wind down a bit to fall asleep. I usually have to read at night to wind down. I cannot just fall asleep laying there, unlike Greg who is snoring loud enough to wake up all of Knoxville ten seconds after his head hits the pillow. So, that's pretty much the best dollar I've ever spent in my life! I am thinking of buying a whole set for my classroom, and letting my students have special reading time with them. I thought they'd love to turn off the lights and read with the book lights every now and again. I'm going to Dollar Tree again today to buy all they have!


Meriam said...

Save a couple for me! I'm desperate to get my wild monkeys to stay in their bed. I've eliminated every form of caffeine, put them to bed early, threats, music, everything! I also have to read before I go to bed, Ron is like Greg and just does not understand. Thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

If you like the affordable booklight idea, check out some really cool fun booklights at www.biggerandbrighter.com. They are perfect for your described situation!

Sara said...

We had the same problem with Lydia. We discovered that a flashlight is awesome! One day while we were at Home Depot, she found a princess flashlight (everything in her life is princess). She uses it almost every night and reads or just plays with it (because it sparkles). It only takes one AA battery and it has been the greatest thing ever!! She keeps it on her nightstand so she can get to it whenever she wants. It has been the best $5 purchase ever!!!!