Wednesday, December 23, 2009

6 Months!

On Friday, we reached the 6 month point since referral. Still no news on travel. Still no news on what in the world is going on. We do know that as of a couple weeks ago, our first ruling hadn't even been issued and we had court back in October. We also know that two families who had court the same day as us are traveling to pick up their little ones at the end of this week, which every time I think about is like getting sucker punched right in the stomach. To say we're stressed, sad, and frustrated does not at all put into words what we are feeling. We had so hoped to have our little girl home by the end of the year when we got the referral. When we realized that wasn't going to happen, we just prayed that we would have news of when we could bring her home by the end of the year. Looks like that won't happen either. Christmas is our very favorite time of year, but this year we all feel a hole. We know that is because our family will not all be together this Christmas. It's even harder because this time last year we were getting ready to leave for Taiwan. It's just an overload of what we're missing. We could really use your prayers over the next few days!


Jennifer said...

I understand what you guys are feeling, and is is difficult. We sure will pray for the Lord to lift your spirits and bring encouragement your way! Remember, God is always working things out beautifully, and often "behind the scenes". Claire is on her way home!

Be blessed!

"From Tennessee to Taiwan"

Annie said...

Wow, yes that must be so disheartening especially with the other families have similar court dates and already traveling soon. No news at all? Hang in there, God is good and He has her in his hands.

Scooter said...

I'm with you on this one... We had Court on the 28th of Sepetember and have not Heard hide not hare about anything.. Hopfully like you we get a call and are asked to travel in 2 weeks...